
Chopped Dill Pickle Salad

I’ve simplified making the dressing and croutons in this recipe by using Trader Joes Dill Pickle Seasoning blend for all the spices in this salad.  Easy peasy and so delicious!



For the Salad:

  • 1 C. chopped kale leaves (discard the stem)
  • 1 C. chopped red cabbage
  • 1 C. chopped green cabbage
  • 1 C. chopped romaine lettuce
  • 1 C. chopped cauliflower
  • 1/23/4 C. crumbled feta cheese
  • brioche croutons (see recipe below)

For the Dill Ranch Dressing:

  • 1/2 C. mayonaise
  • 1/2 C. plain greek yogurt (I use full fat)
  • 1/4 C. chopped dill pickles
  • 1/4 C. dill pickle juice
  • 1 Tbls. Trader Joes Dill Pickle Seasoning Blend

For the Brioche Croutons:

  • 2 C. diced or torn brioche pieces
  • olive oil (to drizzle over brioche pieces)
  • 2 tsp. Trader Joes Dill Pickle Seasoning Blend


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  On cookie sheet toss to combine brioche pieces with olive oil and pickle seasoning.  Bake in oven, stirring a few times, until toasted and firm.

In jar, whisk or shake to combine dill ranch dressing ingredients and keep in refrigerator until ready to use.

In large salad bowl, combine salad ingredients (except croutons).  Toss with desired amount of dill ranch dressing.  Top with croutons and serve.


I like to add a little chopped fresh dill if I have it to the dressing as well as the salad but that’s totally optional.